קסמיאול ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health


dexcel ltd, israel - betamethasone as dipropionate; calcipotriol as hydrate - ג'ל - betamethasone as dipropionate 0.5 mg / 1 g; calcipotriol as hydrate 50 mcg / 1 g - betamethasone - betamethasone - topical treatment of psoriasis vulgaris on the scalp and topical treatment of mild to moderate “non-scalp” plaque psoriasis vulgaris in adults 18 years of age and older.

ויאגרה 25 מג ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health

ויאגרה 25 מג

pfizer pfe pharmaceuticals israel ltd - sildenafil as citrate - טבליות מצופות פילם - sildenafil as citrate 25 mg - sildenafil - sildenafil - treatment of erectile dysfunction.

ויאגרה 50 מג ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health

ויאגרה 50 מג

pfizer pfe pharmaceuticals israel ltd - sildenafil as citrate - טבליות מצופות פילם - sildenafil as citrate 50 mg - sildenafil - sildenafil - treatment of erectile dysfunction.

ויאגרה 100 מג ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health

ויאגרה 100 מג

pfizer pfe pharmaceuticals israel ltd - sildenafil as citrate - טבליות מצופות פילם - sildenafil as citrate 100 mg - sildenafil - sildenafil - treatment of erectile dysfunction.

נבלבין 20 מג ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health

נבלבין 20 מג

padagis israel agencies ltd, israel - vinorelbine as tartrate - קפסולות - vinorelbine as tartrate 20 mg - vinorelbine - vinorelbine - for the treatment of non small cell lung cancer. for the treatment of advanced breast cancer.

סטאלבו   10025200 מג ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health

סטאלבו 10025200 מג

inovamed pharma ltd, israel - carbidopa; entacapone; levodopa - טבליות מצופות פילם - levodopa 100 mg; carbidopa 25 mg; entacapone 200 mg - levodopa - levodopa - treatment of patients with parkinson's disease and end-of-dose motor fluctuations not stabilised on levodopa/dopa decarboxylase (ddc) inhibitor treatment.

סטאלבו   5012.5200 מג ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health

סטאלבו 5012.5200 מג

inovamed pharma ltd, israel - carbidopa; entacapone; levodopa - טבליות מצופות פילם - levodopa 50 mg; carbidopa 12.5 mg; entacapone 200 mg - levodopa and decarboxylase inhibitor - levodopa and decarboxylase inhibitor - treatment of patients with parkinson's disease and end-of-dose motor fluctuations not stabilised on levodopa/dopa decarboxylase (ddc) inhibitor treatment.

איקסל 25 מג ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health

איקסל 25 מג

perrigo israel agencies ltd - milnacipran hydrochloride - קפסולות - milnacipran hydrochloride 25 mg - milnacipran - milnacipran - treatment of major (i.e. all characteristics) depressive episodes in adults over 18 years old.

מווקס תמיסה ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health

מווקס תמיסה

vitamed pharmaceutical industries ltd - bromhexine hydrochloride - תמיסה - bromhexine hydrochloride 2.00 mg/ml - bromhexine - bromhexine - bronchial mucolytic. it can also be given by inhalation as an aerosol solution.

אזרגה ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health


novartis israel ltd - brinzolamide; timolol as maleate - תרחיף לעין - brinzolamide 10 mg/ml; timolol as maleate 5 mg/ml - timolol, combinations - timolol, combinations - decrease of intra-ocular pressure (iop) in adult patients with open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension for whom monotherapy provides insufficient iop reduction.